Directions Between Houses (2024)
From Happy Retreat to Linden Spring
Turn right out of drive onto Mordington Road. At Stop sign, turn right onto S. George Street. Follow .4 miles and turn left onto Jefferson Avenue. Proceed 1.1 miles to E. Washington Street and turn right. Continue for 3.5 miles to Shepherdstown Pike (WV 230-N) and turn left. Almost immediately turn left again to stay on WV 230. Stay on 230 N for 8 miles. Turn right onto Engle Mohlers Road and proceed 2.2 miles. The house will be on the right.
From Linden Spring to Thomas Shepherd Grist Mill
Turn left onto Engle Molers Road and travel 1.9 miles to Shepherdstown Pike (WV Rt. 230). Turn right and proceed .8 miles to Princess Street, turning right. Continue on Princess Street across German Street to East High Street. Turn right and proceed half a block. The mill is on the left. Watch for “Resident Only” parking.
From Thomas Shepherd Grist Mill to Welsh Farm
Return to German Street (WV-45) and turn right to the west. Proceed 4.3 miles to Files Cross Road (CR-45/2). Turn right and proceed 1.1 miles to Swan Pond Road. Turn left and drive .6 miles. The house is on the right.
From Welsh farm to Pitzer/Poland House
Return to Swan Pond Road and turn left. After .6 miles, turn right onto Files Cross Road. Proceed 1.1 miles to Shepherdstown Road (Rt. 45). Turn right and follow for 3.3 miles. At the light at Queen Street, the road becomes Moler Road – stay on it. Follow 1.2 miles to traffic light at N. Raleigh Street and turn left. Proceed .8 miles to traffic light at W. Burke Street and turn right. The house is on the right toward the end of the block.
From Pitzer/Poland to Gable Five
Return to Raleigh Street and turn right or south. Proceed to King Street and turn right. Turn left onto Winchester Ave (US Rt. 11). Proceed to Apple Harvest Drive (WV 45) and turn right. Proceed 2.9 miles to Clyde Borum Road and turn left. There will be signs marking the driveway on the left.